Four strokes to distinguish used car genuine license

Most people can identify genuine and fake cards through four methods: "look, touch, ask, and check."

"Looking" is to observe the shape of the license plate and make basic judgments from the perspective of shape, color, and character. The formal license plate is processed by high technology and adopts a molding technology to give people a good visual experience. The fake "deck" in the normal sunlight, there is a reddish or yellowish color, the font is lean and other "hard injuries", as long as the fine can be found by looking.

"Touch" touches the license plate by hand, especially at the edges and corners. This is an important sign to determine whether a car has a deck. Because it is not a one-time molding, the edge of the font on the “deck” is angular, and even if it is polished, it is difficult to conceal the mark. After removing the license plate, there will be traces on the back.

"Q" is an important way to judge whether or not to deck. At present, some "yellow cattle" in the used car market like to sell used license plates and sell them with polished "deck cards" to earn huge profits. In this case, if the car purchaser only asks more than a few suspicious owners of the “set car”, they will find that the owners are not clear about the normal licensing process, or that the license plate is someone else’s help.

"Check" is the most effective one: After recording the license plate number, it goes online to the vehicle management department to query the vehicle registration file. Some of the deck vehicles that embezzle licenses are "sets" of different vehicle types, some of them are "sets" of the same type of vehicle licenses, and some also change the frame number and related signs.

Monosodium Phosphate Anhydrous

Monosodium phosphate anhydrous is a white crystalline powder that is commonly used as a food additive, fertilizer, and buffering agent in various industrial processes. It is commonly abbreviated as MSP or NaH2PO4 and has a chemical formula of NaH2PO4. It is also known as sodium dihydrogen phosphate or sodium phosphate monobasic.

In the food industry, monosodium phosphate anhydrous is used as a flavor enhancer, emulsifier, and stabilizer. It is commonly added to processed meats, cheese, and baked goods to improve texture, shelf life, and flavor. It is also used as a leavening agent in baking powder and as a pH regulator in soft drinks.

In the fertilizer industry, monosodium phosphate anhydrous is used as a source of phosphorus and as a pH regulator in soil. It is also used in the production of animal feed to improve bone health and growth.

In industrial processes, monosodium phosphate anhydrous is used as a buffering agent to maintain the pH of solutions. It is also used in Water Treatment to prevent the formation of scale and as a flame retardant in textiles.

Monosodium phosphate anhydrous is generally considered safe for consumption and use in industrial processes when used in accordance with regulations and guidelines. However, excessive consumption or exposure may cause adverse health effects, such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Monosodium Phosphate Anhydrous MSP, Monosodium Phosphate Anhydrous Dihydrate Nah2po4, Monosodium Phosphate Dehydrate, Monosodium Phosphate Food Grade MSP

Sichuan Jinhe Qihang Co,. Ltd. ,