There is a popular fruit slice ball toy called the creative product on the market. The toy is a toy ball that combines 32 kinds of fruits. After each section of the ball is cut or split, it is like a fruit cut in half.
There are a lot of ways to play. One of the ways to play is that the styling doesn't need to be re-spliced ​​into a ball based on the same fruit section, but the order is disrupted and recombined into a new shape. This kind of gameplay makes me think of the design of the luminaire. Can I use this form in the design of luminaire design and lighting sculpture? Then it is possible to create a variety of shapes with a minimum of molds, thereby increasing the selling point and reducing the cost of the design. Breaking through the conventional luminaire is the frame of the two parts of the lamp cap and the lamp post.
The design can be that each piece emits light, and the problem to be solved is wiring. As a functional luminaire, it is not necessarily a ball. It may be other shapes composed of several pieces (as part of the luminaire styling, without the light pole), through the disordered order of the styling, recombination, and different changes can be made. It is rhythmic and rhythmic, changing the pattern of a lamp type from beginning to end. From a distance, it is the same series of lamps, and the whole is definitely coordinated and unified. As a light sculpture, it can be like a building block, so many elements, through different combinations or connections, to create a thousand styles.
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